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You are more impressive than you think

A nephew of mine was involved in creating a movie while he was in high school. The film was submitted to several different contests and won in one of them. Below is an edited version of the e-mail I sent him when I learned of the outcome.


I am impressed by your film and win for these reasons: 1.  You made the film.  I'm sure you ran into people who were going to make a film but didn't for a variety of reasons. You will always run into people who were going to do something you do but could not for a variety of reasons. 2.  You got people together who could create your vision.  That's not a surprise but film is collaborative and you have always been more collaborative than competitive.  Getting people to work on your vision successfully is why it is important to only use your superpowers for good. 3.  You aren't afraid of competition.  A lot of people are and it can be hard to offer a creation for judgment by people who don't know you and the creation has to stand on its own. that's scary. But you took the shot. Be proud of that. 4.  Good work can be entered multiple times.  A lot of people don't realize that. 5.  I read the credits because I used to catalog videos and DVDs.  I was pretty sure the music would be yours but I did notice you did a lot.  Good job. 6.  I would be proud of you if you had not won for reasons 1 through 5 and more.  That being said, winning rocks.  And it really rocks when you know you were up against people with better funding or more experience.  (Remember that we only use our superpowers for good. You think I'm joking but I'm not.) Much love and admiration.

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